Phase: Touch regulator contains 1 servo motor, 1 phase 1 wrap with decelerate tranmission type to operate carbon brush. 单相:接触式调压器是一台由伺服电机及减速传动机构带动碳刷的单相自藕器。
Project of phase 1 of high-speed transmission ring for optic fiber communication DWDM designed by our institute won the copper medal of 11th National Quality Project Design. 我院设计的京沪穗高速环DWDM一期工程荣获第十一届全国优秀工程铜质奖。
TRB mode analysis of metro vehicles in Shenzhen Metro Phase 1 深圳地铁一期工程地铁车辆TRB模式分析
This is phase 1 of the cleansing; to remove the non-resonant nonphysical forces surrounding Earth. 这是净化的第一阶段&移除地球周围不共振的非物质力量。
Investigation into some conditions for the pilot plant production of human leukocyte and its phase 1 clinical study of pharmacokinetics 批量生产临床级人血白细胞干扰素条件的研究及其临床Ⅰ期试验
Pursuit for the harmony of technology and culture: business building of the phase 1 of Guizhou TV Station 寻求科技与人文环境的协调统一:贵州电视台一期业务用房设计
Analysis of Environmental Pollution of Deposition Dust at phase 1 and 2 coal Terminals and Their surrounding areas 秦皇岛港煤一、二期码头及附近区域大气降尘环境污染分析
MERCI 1: A phase 1 study of mechanical embolus removal in cerebral ischemia MERCI1:对于脑缺血中机械性去除栓子的1阶段研究
Trains for phase 1 Shenzhen Metro 深圳地铁一期工程地铁列车
The dry culm weight increased in Phase 1, decreased in Phase 2, and remained stable in Phase 3. ( 2) There were differences in the change process of dry culm weight of the varieties. 不同品种成熟期茎鞘干重变化过程不同。
These results indicated that ionic transport were changed by ISO perfusion in atrium myocytes and Ito played an important role in the phase 1 repolarization of AP. 表明正常的心房肌细胞在ISO作用下,与形成AP复极相有关的1相和2相的离子转运发生了改变,Ito2对心房肌细胞AP1相形成起着重要作用。
The paper introduces the application cases of MMI subsystems of ATP on-board system of light rail Phase 1 of Changchun Light Rail project in the system test and field operation. 本文介绍了应用在长春轻轨一期中ATP车载系统中的MMI子系统在系统试验调试和现场实际运营中具体实例。
In reference to the metro engineering budget and budgetary estimate norms of part of the cities of our country, the paper puts forward a concept and fundamental principles of construction cost analysis and audit for phase 1 civil works of Shenzhen Metro. 此文参照我国部分城市地铁工程概预算定额和行业定额,提出深圳地铁一期土建工程造价分析和审计的思路及其基本原则。
Introduction of Construction Safety Management for Phase 1 of Shenzhen Subway Project 深圳地铁一期工程施工安全管理概况
The environment control system of Shenzhen Metro project phase 1 design uses the Plateform Screen Door system. 深圳地铁一期工程环控制式采用屏蔽门系统。
The Analysis and Survey on Current Status of Phase 1 of Sports for All Projects in Beijing 对北京市全民健身一期工程的现状调查与分析
According to the preliminary design estimate of phase 1 project of Wu Han LRT Line 1, the paper makes an exploration into several aspects of it such as the scope of estimate making, quotas adoption, estimate chapters, cost composition and calculator program. 根据武汉市轻轨交通一号线一期工程的初步设计概算,从编制范围、定额采用、概算章节、费用组成及计算程序等几个方面进行了探讨。
The results show that there is no polysaccharide in the oocyte of phase 1, but only very little mucopolysaccharide on the plasmalemma. 观察结果证明:1时相卵母细胞中除质膜和其周围结缔组织上有较强的PAS反应外,细胞内几乎不含多糖物质。
The situation for the completion of DMIS project phase 1 is introduced. Main problems confronting the DMIS project are pointed out and the major targets for the DMIS project phase 2 and arrangement for DMIS project phases 1 and 2 in 2001 are put forward. 介绍了DMIS一期工程完成情况,指出了DMIS工程面临的主要问题,提出了DMIS二期工程的主要目标及2001年DMIS一、二期工程安排。
The oil and gas from the reservoirs have gone through two phases of migration: Phase 1, hydrocarbon migration and ( accumulation) as low-maturity oil, and Phase 2, the accumulation of hydrocarbons. 认为储层的油气运移经历了两期,第一期为烃类的主要运移、聚集期,油气为低成熟油;
Schedule Control in Shenzhen Metro Phase 1 深圳地铁一期工程的进度控制
Design of Main Line Signaling System and Its Analysis of Shenzhen Metro Phase 1 Project 深圳地铁一期工程正线信号系统设计及其分析
The application and its results of US Derrick overlapping high frequency fine screen in phase 1 capacity expansion and transformation of Laiwu Iron Mine's concentrator are described. 介绍了美国德瑞克DERRICK重叠式高频细筛在莱芜铁矿选矿厂第一阶段扩能改造中的应用和效果。
Synthesize Piling Tests of Shanghai Waigaoqiao Power Plant Phase 1 上海外高桥电厂一期工程综合试桩
Objective To investigate the transmural electrophysiological heterogeneity of transient outward potassium current ( I_ to) in repolarization phase 1 of the human right ventricle. 目的探讨人右心室复极1相瞬间外向钾电流(Ito)的跨壁电不均一性。
In chapter 2, it analyses the main causes for the current unsatisfactory progress of Shenzhen Metro Phase 1 Project, as well as the major factors restraining the project management from getting effects. 第二章分析研究了造成深圳地铁一期工程建设进展不顺的原因,指出了影响深圳地铁项目建设管理效果的主要因素。
Methods Using whole cell patch-clamp technique, we researched the ionic intensity, density and the kinetic process of I_ to in repolarization phase 1 from the human right ventricular epicardial cells, mid-myocardial cells ( M cells) and endocardial cells. 方法应用全细胞钳制技术,对人右心室心外膜下(Epi)细胞、中间层(M)细胞和心内膜下(Endo)细胞复极1相Ito离子流的电流强度、密度和动力学过程进行研究。
Brief introduction of Qinghai salt lake group integrated utilization project, including working scope, project organization structure and human resource of phase 1 and phase 2 projects. 2. 基本思路和主要内容为:1.介绍青海盐湖集团综合利用项目的基本情况,包括一期、二期工程的工作范围,项目组织结构及人力资源。
Although the results of noticing in phase 1 did not show significant differences, the questionnaire and interview both proved that the EG participants did show greater noticing than CG. 虽然第一阶段的差异不显著,但调查问卷和访谈都证明了实验组对目标形式的注意比控制组多。